Posté le 2011-12-06 14:15:41

I released a new software, his name is BF3-SigEd

It's an editor for create signature for forum or other social community platform and show your Battlefield 3 stats.

You can visit the project page here.

CTH Zone 2.0
Posté le 2011-10-25 18:48:56

My website is now on version 2.0.

This new version include :

  • a new menu
  • a new CSS
  • a new projects organisation
  • and a lot of new cool stuff in the administration section (so just for me)


First Android application
Posté le 2011-10-18 11:22:54

Three weeks ago, I release my first Android application, APN Configurator.
APN Configurator makes it possible to find and apply the parameters of Internet and MMS access according to your operator.
Recently i reached the thousand of downloads for my app, without promotion, just my app on the Android Market.

You can visit the project page here or go directly on the Android Market.

First article
Posté le 2009-11-14 21:43:04

Welcome to my new personal website.

Here you can find informations about me and my projects.

CTH Zone 2.0

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